Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Gorean Lifestyle

Have you read anything from John Norman?
Would it surprise you to find out that there is a subculture of erotic followers from his novels?
Me too! That is, until I started doing a little research into the Gorean lifestyle.
John Norman is a science fiction writer who created the Gor lifestyle through his books perhaps inadvertently. There is little proof that he participates in these acts or even condones the acts themselves. His novels include erotic sex, dominance, slavery, bondage, beatings, etc. (All the things an erotica novelist like myself wants in a "pushing the boundaries" kind of book.)

Gor's tend to be jumbled in with the BDSM crowd, which is understandable, but incorrect nonetheless. Gor's and BDSMers may have perceptions that are the same; Gorean seems to be a quasi-religious lifestyle while BDSM is more of a sexual lifestyle. BDSM concepts of servitude and slavery are important in the Gorean style. Most Gor's do not own their consensual slaves and slavery is not required in order to practice Gorean. Gor's do not label themselves or consider themselves part of BDSM. They reject most ideas of isolated sex 'scenes' and instead they follow their guidelines throughout their daily lives, at all times, at home, work, or socially. Gor's follow stricter dominance and submission standards with total power exchange relationships.

Males tend to be the dominants, more so than females in the Gorean style. Females are not forbidden to do so. It is their belief that males have a predisposition to be more dominant and females submissive. Male dominance is part of the "natural order" belief system.

This is so interesting to me as a writer that I have decided to include the Gorean Morality into one of my "pushing the boundaries" erotica books.


  1. Some of it true, but there are many goreans who also see themselves as part of BDSM. It just depends on which side of BDSM you sit, I suppose:)

    As in every aspect of a subculture, nobody seems to think the same as another. For some it is more of a religious experience while with others, like a friend of mine who is a BDSM slave, but also a kajira - she just saw who she was as a gorean slave.

    So many labels, so many ways to interpret them.

    Thanks for the article! Look forward to reading your work:)

  2. Thank you so much for the comment and your insight! It is appreciated very much. Personally I have not met anyone who practices Gorean but I would love to talk with one who is willing. I agree that there is just so many ways to interpret a subculture lifestyle. It is astounding the information you can find if you just dig a little.
